Strategies for Capital – Narrative Building Workshop!

City of Oakland - Small Business Week Workshop: Strategies for Capital: Owning Your Narrative When Seeking Business Loans and Grants
Spring brings us Small Business Week in Oakland! Thanks to the Economic & Workforce Development team,the Oakland Black Business Fund was presented the opportunity to host a online workshop open to small businesses in our city (and beyond!)
Our Executive Director, Damon Johnson, mapped out his approach to narrative building and how it can set businesses up for success when seeking capital. There is also a useful overview of what types of capital exist for small businesses and the difference between grants and loans.
You can find the full video here!
And of course, some highlights from the discussion for the TL;DR crowd! Enjoy!
What is a CDFI?
Grants vs. Loans – Advantages and Disadvantages?
Why is your Narrative essential?
Mastering your Universe
Joining Quantitative and Qualitative Data
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